Oxford English for Information Technology

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ISBN: 019457492X
ISBN 13: 9780194574921
Autor: Glendinning/McEwan
Verlag: Oxford University Press
Umfang: 224 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 15.05.2006
Auflage: 2/2007
Format: 1.2 x 26.5 x 19
Gewicht: 540 g
Produktform: Kartoniert
Reihe; Bandnummer 1. Reihe: CV8000052
Einband: PB
Produktverantwortlicher / Importeur: 10000010

Revises and practises grammar and functions appropriate to the needs of IT specialists. This work consolidates and develops the four main skills. It includes a glossary of computing terms and abbreviations. A teacher’s guide provides background information for non-specialist teachers.

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