The Comfort of Strangers

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ISBN: 0099754916
ISBN 13: 9780099754916
Autor: McEwan, Ian
Verlag: Random House Book Group Ltd.
Umfang: 100 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 12.07.2007
Format: 0.8 x 19.8 x 13.2
Gewicht: 143 g
Produktform: Kartoniert
Einband: PB
Deutscher Titel: Der Trost von Fremden
Produktverantwortlicher / Importeur: 10000001

As their holiday unfolds, Colin and Maria are locked into their own intimacy. They groom themselves meticulously, as though there waits someone who cares deeply about how they appear. Then, they meet a man with a disturbing story to tell and become drawn into a fantasy of violence and obsession.

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