Building Babies

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Primate Development in Proximate and Ultimate Perspective, Developments in Primatology: Progress and Prospects 37

ISBN: 1489990321
ISBN 13: 9781489990327
Herausgeber: Kathryn B H Clancy/Katie Hinde/Julienne N Rutherford
Verlag: Springer Verlag GmbH
Umfang: xiv, 534 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 19.09.2014
Auflage: 1/2014
Produktform: Kartoniert
Einband: KT

InhaltsangabePreface.- I. CONCEPTION & PREGNANCY.- 1. Inflammation, reproduction, and the Goldilocks Principle.- 2. The primate placenta as an agent of developmental and health trajectories across the lifecourse.- 3. Placental development, evolution, and epigenetics of primate pregnancies.- 4. Nutritional ecology and reproductive output in female chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes): variation among and within populations.- II. FROM PRE- TO POST-NATAL LIFE.- 5. Prenatal androgens affect development and behavior in primates.- 6. Navigating transitions in HPA function from pregnancy through lactation: implications for maternal health and infant brain development.- 7. Genome-environment coordination in neurobehavioral development.- 8. Building Marmoset Babies: Trade-offs and Cutting Bait.- III. MILK: COMPLETE NUTRITION FOR THE INFANT.- 9. Lactational programming: mother’s milk predicts infant behavior and temperament.- 10. Do bigger brains mean better milk?.- 11. Infant gut microbiota: developmental influences and health outcomes.- IV. MOTHERS AND INFANTS: THE FIRST SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP.- 12. Maternal influences on social and neural development in rhesus monkeys.- 13. Behavioral Response of Mothers and Infants to Variation in Maternal Condition: Adaptation, Compensation and Resilience.- 14. The role of mothers in the development of tool-use in chimpanzees.- V. THE EXPANDING SOCIAL NETWORK.- 15. Reproductive strategies and infant care in the Malagasy primates.- 16. When dads help: male behavioral care during primate infant development.- 17. Ontogeny of social behavior in the genus Cebus and the application of an integrative framework for examining plasticity and complexity in evolution.- VI. TRANSITIONS TO JUVENILITY AND REPRODUCTIVE MATURITY.- 18. Identifying proximate and ultimate causation in the development of primate sex-typed social behavior.- 19. Future adults or old children? Integrating life history frameworks for understanding primate positional patterns.- 20. Quantitative genetic perspectives female macaque life histories: heritability, plasticity, and trade-offs.- 21. Cultural evolution and human reproductive behavior.- CONCLUSION 22. The ontogeny of investigating primate ontogeny.

Artikelnummer: 7247799 Kategorie:



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