Land Use Transport Interaction

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Towards sustainable transport and urban form by shifting from monocentric structure to polycentric structure

ISBN: 3639665325
ISBN 13: 9783639665321
Autor: Alqhatani, Mohammed
Verlag: Scholars’ Press
Umfang: 288 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 24.09.2014
Auflage: 1/2014
Format: 1.8 x 22 x 15
Gewicht: 447 g
Produktform: Kartoniert
Einband: KT
Artikelnummer: 7248316 Kategorie:


This book examines the interaction of land use and transport, specifically focusing on developing a better understanding of how the urban structure impacts on road congestion and travel costs. A land use and transport model has been developed using data from Riyadh and Melbourne. This book suggested an ideal urban form to reduce traffic congestion and trip length and improve accessibility levels. For both Melbourne and Riyadh the findings indicated that the best result in terms of travel efficiency, environment and accessibility can be achieved when urban growth is shifted towards decentralised structure (polycentric). To achieve polycentric approach, urban policy needs to be broadened to include activities relocated within a polycentric structure, as well as residential relocation balanced with activity locations and households in activity centers.


Dr Mohammed Alqhatani, B.Eng., M.Eng., PhD land use Transport Modeling, currently head of traffic lights at general traffic department, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.His research interests include land use transport interaction modeling, mode choice, urban transportation planning, urban growth, urban organization, socioeconomic statistics analysis.

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