Owl Babies

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ISBN: 0744531675
ISBN 13: 9780744531671
Autor: Waddell, Martin
Verlag: Walker Books Ltd
Illustrator: Patrick Benson
Umfang: 32 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 28.11.2003
Format: 0.4 x 26 x 21.5
Gewicht: 173 g
Produktform: Kartoniert
Einband: PB
Deutscher Titel: Ich will meine Mami!
Produktverantwortlicher / Importeur: 10000001

A story in which three baby owls wake up one night in their hole in a tree to find that their mother has gone. Darkness gathers and the owls grow anxious, until at last she returns and they bounce up and down with joy. Illustrated by Patrick Benson in full colour.

Artikelnummer: 541365 Kategorie:



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