

A Robert Hunter Thriller, Robert Hunter 12

ISBN: 139852185X
ISBN 13: 9781398521858
Autor: Carter, Chris
Verlag: Simon & Schuster UK
Umfang: 544 S.
Erscheinungsdatum: 19.01.2023
Format: 3.4 x 17.9 x 11.3
Gewicht: 294 g
Produktform: Kartoniert
Einband: PB
Deutscher Titel: Blutige Stufen
Produktverantwortlicher / Importeur: 10000001
Artikelnummer: 7346856 Kategorie:


Robert Hunter is called to the most vicious crime scene he has ever attended. It is made even more disturbing when the autopsy reveals a poem, left by the killer, inside the body of their victim. Soon, another body is found. The methods and signature of the murder differs, but the level of violence used suggests that the same person is behind both crimes. Has Robert Hunter finally met his match?


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